Welcome xD

Hello There!

This is my favourite brownie!


it's time to update again!

yooooooooo i'm backkkkkkkk 😆

how is everything going? can i say it's smooth? (hmm.. not so.. 😕)

seems like i only update once a year xD so it should be as detail as possible?

nonono, some are P&C right 😏

so.. how's life treating me so far?

a viewpoint from outsider is definitely very positive..

u see this girl ah.. got talent got job got bf got food got house..& got hamster! 😏

nothing to worry right.. but that's all surface!

physical wellbeing doesn't equate to mental wellbeing.. (when did i become professional? lols)

sometimes u will just fall into a very dark spiral & stuck inside like forever until reality (life,work,stress,bills,bears xD) pulls u back.. (omg what am i writing?! i have no idea xD)

lols okay let's back to normal for a bit.. 

people say human only demonstrate the good on the internet :p for people to see.. (as in showoff/shai meng if u know cantonese 😏)

let me try to follow that 😉

-------i am breaking point-------

let's start with job.. 

how is my job currently? 

hmm.. the ultra stressful period is gone.. (like in 2020)

now it is like honeymoon period.. can chill can relax can research & improve the used-to-be-rocket-phase-built-solution LOLs..

and there it goes, another peak period is just coming my way.. 😈 a total revamp? hmm.. let's see

career wise? hmmm

- is the current job great enough to satisfy my 3 minute hot? 😏

- is the current working environment satisfying? (opps we are in wfh situation..😳)

- is this the place i see myself to still be at in 3 yrs time? (hmmmm...shhhh 🙊)

hmm... so far so good...? (that's my answer to anyone who ask me question related to job LOL)

okay job is done bye

-------i am breaking point-------

okay as usual.. next question is life.. how about life? 

i just went through a big change in life! (and so does him..lols)

we moved out from our original house and stay into his new house together..

omgggggggggg... is this co...habitate..? 😱😱😨😨😰😰

and without being married? 😱😲😳😵 (okay this is quite modern nowadays right.. lols)

that's what western people do.. even when they have kids already they're still fine with single status.. (hmm.. but ofcourse there will be another type of status like "de facto" relationship, can google yourself 😏)

okay back to me 😆 i am asian ofcourse i can't be so modern ! but i am still doing modern stuff anyways lolllll

yes we lived together in the same space now (isn't that what u always dreamed of for past 10 yrs? LOLs)

and due to the current lockdown situation, we are basically 24/7 see-ing each other except working hours (in separate rooms)

& yes there are alot of arguments, stuff u don like about him, stuff he don like about u, stuff u both don like, stuff u still insist to do even another person don like, stuff about hamster, stuff about placement, stuff about too many bears, stuff about freedom, stuff about space, staff about house chores, stuff about toilet, stuff about bed, stuff about electricity, stuff about money, stuff about grab food, stuff about literally any freaking little things 😉

& we started to conduct sprint review (by we is actually me 😁) just like scrum practice in IT world! LOLs so every 2 week we will talk about stuffs (yes stuff above) and each side must focus and listen whatever another side mentioned (forced to 😈) as the old folks saying "communication is the key to happy relationship", this is so freaking true and so I enforce it!! (no nego!) 

so in normal days we will just cold war and shut myself/himself up.. but in sprint review day u must speak out 😀 is this actually useful? (hmm.. let's see in coming few months LOL)

okay basically my life is just about adapting to this new lifestyle ~ 😉

oh ya..!! forgot to mention also the N-kilograms-furniture that we bought from iKEA together and move literally every single item (ultra big + big + small) back to our so called "home" now 😂 and everything (literally every single thing) is just done by 2 of us ! from nothing to everything! such a great sense of fulfillment when everything is completed. 😆 (opps most heavy one are actually by him.. shhhh 🙊)

-------i am breaking point-------

okay how about relationship?

are we still alive after stuck in this 24/7 no split lockdown? (yes i am, not sure about him though 😵)

i am okay to stick with him but he is the one that need absolute space & freedom for himself 😏 (which man not like this? come signup here lai LOL)

is the love still great enough for me to continue? (yessssssssssssssssssssssssss, alright? 😅)

are we ready to move on to next stage of life? (aren't u already in next stage? 🙊 LOL)

how many kids are we planning to get? (2... ?)

how many new bears is allowed? (0...?)

how many new hamster is allowed? (when all the current one is gone.. naturally..?)

soo... after all... when are you going to get married? lols.. let's just wait ... and see... ? 😳

-------i am breaking point-------

hmmm... everything sound so fun so bright right? how about myself?

have i found myself already? (no.. not yet...who am i? why am i in this world? LOLs)

have i become a better person in overall already? (no.. no progress.. define "better" please)

have i become great in saving money already? (no.. impossible..😟)

have i learnt to give instead of take already? (still learning.. a bit slow.. LOL)

have i gained weight again ? (omg this is super YES.. i am heavier already due to this stupid covid lockdown! coz calories intake is > calories burnt ! 👿 + i so lazy exercise 😖)

have i become capable in handling stress already? (i think ... yes?)

have i learn to pamper myself instead of pleasing others already? (in some ways.. yes?)

have i became matured? (i think yes.. at the age of 28 if u're still kid what else you want to achieve? LOLs - speaking from a kid viewpoint)

have i learn any new skills? (YES, i did vinyl flooring for my whole house + this current new house, can it be consider a skill? quotation we got for full house vinyl flooring is rm4k+ but i did everything with just rm800+ 😀)

what did i learned in this year? (decision making is hard, once you've chosen, be content with it 😉)

what am i going to do next? (get a kid? LOL no)

-------i am breaking point-------

Tada ~ that's all for the update ! stay tune next year!

from 🧸

