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This is my favourite brownie!


Life Changing Update 👀

Yay, another year & it is almost end of year now! As promise 1 year at least 1 post! 😆

Soooooooo Carollllll what is going on this year?

Is that another crazy year?

Or just plain plain? Hmmmmm

Nooooooooooooo, because......







Fluffyyyyyyyyyyyy 😱😱😱😱😱😱

Here you go... a sneak peak on the little moving creature that live inside me! An actual human being is created OMG 😱

OMG It's happennnnnnniiiiinnnnggggggggg 😳😲😱😰😯😮

Kai Xuan is coming?!?!?! 😰😱😲😳

How is that happening? LOLs

(if not what would you expect after marriage? lols)

Okay let's be serious 😆

--------- I am breaking line ------------

So, as predicted last year, I might be writing this post together with a 👶 & here it goes!!!! (except i am not due yet 😛)

I had been thinking about getting 👶 for a very lonnnnnngggggg time and even thought of a name 10 years ago! Search `Kai Xuan` in this blog & you will find out! LOL

And Soooo, Kai Xuan decided to join us this year! And yes, it's a boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 👦

And that's what we gonna name him too (in chinese ofcourse xD) english name is still undecided up until this point (around 6 months preggo now 👀)

Okay so what's the timeline, am I too fast jumping into conclusion already? LOL



So as planned last year, we will be going to our honeymoon in Switzerland around Feb 2023

We went there & it was super cold & a lot was going on during the whole trip (mostly me saying too cold or spam drink hot chocolate or why is this breakfast bread again LOLs)

We even had an argument mid of the trip at Interlaken and both of us cry literally outside of a hotel in a cold cold morning (less than 5 degree or below 0? forgotten) LOLs

Thinking back it was too funny LOLs

Okay so back from Switzerland & back to work and back to normal life

The puzzle of life is like almost complete & we are ready to build a small family right?!


Trying to conceive is a super stressful period as life doesn't always go as what you've planned... no matter how many effort you've put in 😣

This is especially true for psycho like me that wanted perfection (my motto is "it's either you don't do anything at all or you go full force into getting what you want 😈) 

After tons and tons and tons of research, googling (in english and chinese - because they give different answers LOL), xiaohongshu reading, blog posts reading & etc

I had became a fake "expert" in my own body and ovulation and cycles (even bought Apple Watch just to find out what is my wrist temperature, it does help in more understand your cycle!)

So after 2 months which is around 22nd April 2023 I got my first positive line in urine pregnancy test kit!! But the line was so faint and it last for few days only until 26th April, then my period came 😵

Then I go into mad mode and crazily research why this happened, turns out it was pretty common that most early pregnancy can result in very early miscarriage like this which is a.k.a chemical pregnancy, but usually people just thought it was just a late period (if you did not test every day like me LOL)

After being greet with such sad experience, then I decided okay just plan for another trip then LOL

Since it might not be that easy to hit the jackpot anyways 💁 (that's what we think as nowadays fertility issues are very common...)

And there we go! I quickly research and bought another flight ticket to Fukuoka, Japan


I thought you just went to Switzerland earlier 2 months? LOLs

Why fly again?

There is this one stupid reason I gave him "We must go somewhere to relax so we are not too obsessed in this whole TTC (try to conceive) thing" LOLs

And he bind the idea and boom! Booked flight for July 2023 LOLs

Then booked all the hotels too!


So life don't go with what we had planned right? 👀

And yes, who would want to be suffer during happy oversea trip? (1st trimester is super suffering!)

As usual, tracking cycles, playing with urine test every day (for both ovulation and pregnancy test kit) (not sure how many money burnt on buying all those things LOL)

And here it comes! for real! for the very first time!

I got a faint positive line again on the pregnancy test on 21th June 2023! OMG.. it is happening again!!

Wait, will it result like April that time again?

Hmmm... let's not jump into conclusion so fast...let's wait and test again for more days!

And the lines getting darker and darker and darker each and every day OMG 😱😱

I have used too many different brands of test kit (both ovulation and pregnancy) LOL and this china brand David is the most affordable one (if you're one of the psycho that test too much like me) xD


So... after confirming that it might be happening, what's the next steps?

Okay research mode is on again! Research for all the hospital / clinics that I wanted to go..

Also research a lot on early miscarriage related topics (ofcourse I always think for the worst case scenarios lols) Since I had brown discharge quite frequent and it is worrying as hell!

Then we booked for our first prenatal checkup & went for an ultrasound scan!

There it goes! A small little seed planted inside my womb! OMGGGG 😱

As I am super nervous human being, we went for a lot of checkup when I think something might go wrong... so it result in more ultrasound being conducted (which is not really recommended lols)

But seeing that cute little seed growing into human shape is so amazing!

So during the first trimester, I had all the suffer symptoms that everyone else got (dry vomit when brush teeth, super duper pain breast when wake up, stomach cramp, bloating, indigestion, cannot stand strong smell, will trigger reflux lols, whole body feeling not myself, cannot walk too much as it will keep cramping and etc)

Some other things that not happen to everyone I got it too!

Covid, and also Falling sick easily ~ 😔

OMG, so how do you survive the Japan trip?

It was a disaster lols (the most uncomfortable trip in life)

We went to japan for a week, and suffer for whole week LOL because there is a lot of walking & dragging luggage around! (and all done by him so he is super tiring!)

And brown discharge always! Scary and worrying as hell!

Luckily all smooth when back to Malaysia!


There is also some other experience like going to government emergency department when I had stomach cramp whole day (wait from 8pm to 12am but only RM5 and you got very thorough checking and super pain checking), going to 24 hours clinic at 2am midnight when I had red color bleeding (and done within half hour but RM100 & you got very gentle checking without pain 😏) and so on... 

Everything is past now!

Fluffy is growing healthily now! (hopefully it will continue to.... 👌)


After entering into 2nd trimester, everything seems so smooothhh, no more morning sickness, no more cramping, and started to feel some fetal movements! 

The first time I felt it was during 17w5d! It felt like someone poke me from the inside (a very gentle one)

Now at 24w it felt like someone punching already! LOLs

The usual movement happens when you just wake up, after you had eaten something, when you're sitting still, after dinner time, and when you're going to bed!

I finally feel like a real pregnant lady also! before 2nd trimester it just felt uncertain and always worrying because you cannot feel anything except when going for ultrasound scan! (feel like going to ultrasound everyday during first trimester LOL)


There is 1 super annoying & unbearable thing that happened to me which is Skin Itchiness & Rash! It started around 15w (when recovering from fever) and until 24w still remains! Within 2 months time we had spent thousands on all the different brands of creams/lotions/moisturiser and also medical checkup/specialist checkup! 

(also did a lot of research/googling to understand what is going on inside my body lols, turned out it might be something called Prurigo of Pregnancy, which will only resolved after baby is delivered 😧)

It was another disaster that make me feel super miserable in this whole pregnancy.. 😭 

Luckily it's getting better now after started taking antihistamine tablets.. (it is not recommended but no choice the itchiness can kill me!) (consulted dermatologist and she says it is fine taking it everyday though even during pregnancy, so it assured me a lot...)

So my daily routine now is applying tons of moisturiser, skin repair cream/lotion every night after bath, and taking antihistamine (Cetrizine) if i ever need to... 

Hopefully once fluffy came out it will be back to normal 👽


So what is the conclusion of this year?

- Went to Switzerland happily as couple in Feb! (last 2 person trip in life)

- Found out about Little fluffy 1 at April (which did not proceed well...)

- Adopted another cat 😼 named Mochi! (OMG did i forgot to write about mochi at all?)

(okay small stories here, after the lost in April, I thought maybe we can just adopt another cat as a companion for butter... LOLs turned out it might not be a good idea if you are having little infants in future.. 😅)

- Found out about Little fluffy 2 at June! (which also nicknamed Little fluffy though xD)

- Went to Fukuoka in July!

- Covid in August! (luckily it resolved in few days)

- Fever in Sept! (together with the super annoying skin itchiness!)

- Oct and Nov (Cream/lotions/constipation/weight control-ing... because weight gain in 2nd trimester is crazy!)


Oh ya, I also went into Shopping Spree mode this month! Starting to buy all baby items and clothes (money fly so fast 👻)

Of course, all clothes are mostly with 🐻 element (🧸 is a must!)

(Not sure if every mum does this for their firstborn though 🤔)

Tada! That's all for the life update of the year!

Let's stay tune again for next year where I might actually writing this blog while holding fluffy in my arms! (hopefully it will be a dream come true!)

