Welcome xD

Hello There!

This is my favourite brownie!


O.O I'm Back !!

低潮期过完了~ lalala ~
hmmm.. so what happened? o.O
nothing big actually xD
new year new job lalala ~

hmm.. actually my plan is not that soon ~
my initial plan is to change after Taiwan trip O.O
opps what is that? hmm.. yo our first foreign Trip !! 
LOL.. seems like missing a lot of thing in this blog xD
hahaha.. didn't think of record all these precious moment ~

ok let's back to the main topic !
since i was being stressed until mad, 
the best solution was to change ! lalala ~
but I didn't actually open up my resume..
just so ngam that a few company approach me..
so I just give them a try :p

and I have took 6 days leaves within CNY period,
why waste it and slack in home? LOL 
so just take that opportunity to meetup xD
had tried around 4 and found out i super like 1 of them !
then so happy they offer me too.. xD
so I went to talk w boss O.O

that was my first time in life !!
i feel so gan jiong lols..  to tender ">__<"
after going into the boss room for 11 mins (someone count for me LOL?)
and there it goes !! I said I would like to stay until end of March
to help with the transition period and hand over ~
bcoz the skills is still new and not easy to hire ppl o.o

so I sent the email and forward to HR and tada ~
that's all for my life first permanent job ~
hmmm...questions come..
don't u think here is the most suitable place?
in terms of location (near to bf <3)
the office environment (big table + monitor + space)
friendly human xDDDD
job scope match with my skillset (but not timeline!)
and distance to my current house O.O

so why still leaving? ">__<"
hmmm... that's PnC lalalalala ~
LOL.. then why bullshit so much ?
lalala I like it xD 


okay next topic !
our first Foreign Trip !!!
so how it all started? O.O
hmm.. it all comes with 冲动 and Passion
one day, i saw "oppa sharing 【歐爸 旅游 分享站】"
post the promotion of AirAsia flight ticket..
then I faster grab the opportunity and discuss w him <3
tada ~ we bought our flight ticket LOL

then we plan to wait until 2017 only plan the schedule ~
then just so ngam in festival we saw a booth ~
the ppl selling travel package to taiwan ~
actually their company sell Wedding Photo package ~
then now they offer Travel Package as well ~
after listen to explanation, we signed !!
feels like so 冲动 @@ lols

so, they will plan for our schedule, meal, hotel bla bla bla ~
we only have to choose the place we like / food we like?
hmm.. but still so worry about the reality ...
afraid everything will be different when we arrive taiwan LOL
hmm... but with faith in heart everything will be smooth ! LOL

then we also proceed to MidValley and exchange MYR for NTD
too bad the rate is dropped just after we change the money !!!
ARGHHHHH.. however, it rises again ~_~
yo.. that's all for our first trip xD...
hope it is a smooth one !


hmm.. seems like i forget to mention about my house 
O.O I have a house ? O.O O.O O.O
this blog is really out dated LOLLL
yeap, I have my first HOUSE !!!!!! 
At the age of 23 !!! O.O 232323232323 LOLLLL

ofcourse that's with the help of mum (Mum is best !)
from april 2016 to july/august 2016.. 
i'm super busy with the housing things ~
keep on research & research & research
and lastly I got my first house hehe..
under my name O.O 

the procedure of purchasing a house is not simple ">__<"
have to gone through a lot of up and down ~
supportive and unsupportive comments ~
afraid of getting cheated ~
afriad of cannot afford the installment ~
afraid of bank not approve loan ~
afraid of developer cannot finish build my house TT
afraid of future moving in issue ~
afraid of future husband issue ~ 
bla bla bla ~ 

so far I only encountered half of the issue ~
how about the rest ? hmm.. when the day arrive, it will resolve LOL
so how it goes ? initially ofcourse started by searching for houses 
have to search for house with low price, not too far like kajang ~
not old ~ with 3 rooms ~ with 2 bath ~ size doesn't matter to us :p
mum say smaller is cheaper and better for cleaning LOL

then tada ~ I found the house I bought !!
the agent share on FB and ask us to leave our email..
then they email us the details of the house..
so I ask mum to call them for enquire ~
then we went to sales gallery to have a look ~
then O.O placed order !!

then have a intermediate person help to apply for bank loan on my behalf ~
then wait for bank to examine my DSR (debt service ratio?) hmm..
at last got 2 bank approved, with the rate or 4.5% and 4.45%
ofcouse choose the lowest LOL.. 
but the intermediate person force mi to take house insurance..
else cannot get 4.45% lol.. then take lo..
signed the Letter of Offer for that bank ~

after that another insurance agent says no nid to take wor..
so end up didn't take the house insurance and still get 4.45% :p
so everything settle in 1 day, went to sales gallery to sign 
Loan Agreement, Sales and Purchase Agreement ~ sign until hand drop LOL
and pay the rest of the upfront money ~

and there it goes !! settled everything and wait for VP of the house
hmm... it should be completed by end of 2018 ~ lalala
let's wait for new house !!! xDDD


hmm.. so at the age of 25
I will be staying in my own house,
driving my own car,
using my own money :p
the end of my life? o.o
1 more thing ! baby ! LOL
u slow slow wait la ~ haiz ~

lalala that's the end of story ~
stay tune ~

